Application related information
What are the requirements for the ED card Aruba?

Upon entering Aruba, tourists must be in possession of:

A valid passport upon both entry and for the entire length of stay in Aruba. If the
tourist comes from a country requiring a visa (list A), he must have a valid visa sticker
A valid visa sticker in his passport.

- A fully completed and signed ED card;
- a valid return or transit ticket;
- the necessary documents for admission in the country of origin or a country where the tourist has the right
to be admitted; for example, a valid residence permit (temporary or indefinite
time), proof of return (re-entry) or a visa;

- at the request of the migration officer, the tourist must be able to prove that he has a valid reservation
accommodation in Aruba (for example, a hotel room or apartment) or that he
owns property in Aruba (a house, condominium, apartment, timeshare apartment or
pleasure craft with a length of at least 14 meters from the waterline)

- at the request of the migration officer, the tourist must be able to prove that he has sufficient
financial means for the necessary accommodation (if applicable) and to support his
living expenses or provide a guarantee declaration from a legal resident of Aruba who will act as guarantor.
of Aruba who will guarantee his stay.

Do children also need to apply for a Digital Immigration Card?

Yes, everyone should have their own ED card regardless of age.

General questions
Is the ED card required for Aruba?

The Aruba ED card is required for all visitors, residents, infants and minors planning to travel to Aruba.

When should I apply for the Aruba ED card?

It is recommended that you complete the Aruba ED card application process 72 hours prior to arrival in Aruba. Please note that you can process your application up to 7 days prior to arrival.

How long can I stay in Aruba?

The following conditions apply for the duration of your stay in Aruba:

You may stay in principle 30 days per visit to Aruba.
In total you may stay in Aruba for a maximum of 180 days per calendar year. Whether this is continuous or not is determined by your nationality and other exceptional criteria;
Dutch nationals may stay 180 consecutive days in Aruba.

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